
Follow Your Bliss | A Journey of a Thousand Shorts begins now!

AN INVITATION: My full “Many Me,” minimalist, vegan, nomad, cheapskate adventure from Saipan to Guam to Macau to Cambodia is being released as “A Journey of a Thousand Shorts” (60seconds each with unseen video, photos & commentary) on the (PLEASE SUBSCRIBE) Jamaican in China Youtube channel . Each episode features a unique Walt’s Travel Life Rhyme, starting with #1: “Follow Bliss!” (Watch until the end to hear me perform it!)

#1 – Follow Bliss
I’m off to see the world
with just a suitcase and a smile
And crossing many borders
may not see you for a while

But if and when you think of me
my friend, remember this:
Don’t follow crowds, don’t follow fads
Look inward. Follow bliss!



About Walt

“Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York City who hated his job. He followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day! He now lives a nomadpreneur’s dream life, while helping others do the same!”

Read more at :

My name is Walt F.J. Goodridge, a Jamaican living on Saipan! Want to know what that’s like and how I ended up 8,706 miles away in the middle of the Pacific? Here’s a recent interview conducted by founder, Xavier Murphy, in which I answer that very question!

What’s It Like Being a Jamaican Living in Saipan???


My resumé: Click here

My Saipan Video Resumé:


Receiving the Governor’s Humanities Award:


America’s Forgotten Colonies  (feat. a certain Jamaican tour guide)