Phase 1: a Change.org campaign to name Crayola’s new color….
“Saipan Blue:” Earth’s oldest and newest color!
“Every visitor to our island knows the words I say are true:
the water and the skies are both a stunning Saipan blue!”
— Walt
What is this all about?
Launched May 1, 2017, the Saipan Blue Project is a long-term, international, crowd-funded campaign to make Saipan Blue the official name of a globally-recognized color!

This is what it looks like!
This is what “Saipan blue” looks like in real life! No retouching! No Photoshop! ....Bird Island (Photo: Christian Scherkenbach)
Where is Saipan?
Located in the western Pacific ocean, a short flight from Guam and 3 hours from Japan, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) is a popular tourist destination rich in history, culture and natural beauty and resources. Saipan, just 5 miles wide by 12 miles long, is the largest and most populated of the 15 islands making up an archipelago that stretches 400 miles (north to south) along the edge of the Marianas Trench.
Saipan was first home to Chamorros and Carolinians, then colonized by Spain, then Germany, then Japan until the end of World War II. The Battle of Saipan, one of the World War II's deadliest, turned the tide of the war, for it was the US victory on Saipan that allowed the construction of runways on its sister island of Tinian, from which the Enola Gay took off on its fateful, war-ending mission to bomb Hiroshima. The island has been part of the United States ever since.
Yes, Saipan is unique in many ways. There's the documented fact we have "the cleanest air in the United States." There's our proximity to the Marianas Trench, and the role our residents played in getting a portion of the ocean designated as a Marine National Monument during the George Bush administration! There's our balmy tropical climate, and that (it's said) we're cited by the Guinness Book of World Records as having "the least fluctuating temperatures in the world." All that, plus a diverse mix of people including an indigenous population, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Russians and mainland US transplants, makes this one of America's most unique places to live!
The Saipan Blue Project

Beautiful Saipan, an island of unique history, diverse culture, and once the site of tremendous horror and destruction emerged from the ashes of the war to reclaim its natural beauty. Tourists to this island--whether from Japan, China, Korea, Russia, Europe or the US mainland--as well as local residents invariably say the same thing when they experience the waters in the Saipan lagoon on a sunny day: "I've never seen such amazing shades of blue!"
The Saipan Blue Project was conceived to honor the beauty of Saipan's, Tinian's and Rota's natural beauty by simply renaming this amazing shade of blue; henceforth to be known as "Saipan Blue!" We wish companies and organizations like Crayola, Pantone, Adobe, the HTML Standards and others that provide color options and swatches for painters, designers, artists, etc., to include "Saipan Blue" in their palettes from now on!
Yes, "Saipan Blue" is an actual color that exists in Nature. For graphic designers, he closest approximation to Saipan blue exists as PMS312 (Pantone), #3366FF (HTML), (RGB). We want children, designers, painters, webmasters and other creative folks to refer to it by its new name: SAIPAN BLUE!
We wish companies and organizations like Crayola, Pantone, Adobe, the HTML Standards and others that provide color options and swatches for painters, designers, artists, etc., to include "Saipan Blue" in their palettes from now on!
Webmasters: Copy and paste this code to add our logo to your website:
Why This is Important
In the grand scheme of things to take action on, it may not be as urgent as climate change. It may not seem as life-changing as granting clemency. However, this little petition may have a profound effect on thousands of lives, not just now, but for the long term.
Since the demise of the garment industry on Saipan in 2009, the economy of the Northern Mariana Islands has rested precariously upon one footing: that of tourism. While its white sand beaches, beautiful sunsets, cultural diversity and historical significance are known to a few, tourism to Saipan would benefit from the boost that this attention would provide. Tourism would increase. Jobs would be saved. The economy would improve. Families would be kept together, and their dreams of a better life would be achieved. Even though I'd lived in the mainland United States for most of my life, I'd never even heard about Saipan until two months before I got here. Imagine, however, how the success of this little petition could affect the awareness of the next generation when a four-year-old can choose or ask for "Saipan blue" to color a picture in a coloring book. Imagine the effect on everyday conversation when a homeowner discusses paint options with an interior designer and can choose or ask for "Saipan blue" when making decisions. Builders, architects, painters, graphic designers all using "Saipan blue" in the course of their business and creative endeavors! Why, therefore, is simple. To encourage the rest of the world to turn its eyes towards Saipan. This little petition has he power to spark conversation, encourage further research, increase awareness, land us in the headlines, and once the campaign is successful, ultimately bring these islands a much-needed economic boost! This is simply about making us part of the world's conversation so we can say "Come experience 'Saipan Blue' for yourself!"
What if families could use it anyway they chose to? (photo: gpointstudio)
What if boxes of crayons featured it as a new color? (photo: mmstudiocom)
Everywhere you look, Saipan Blue!
Banzai Cliff
Looking at Managaha Island
Micro Beach
On the way to Forbidden Island
Check out the stunning blues in this China Travel Channel video I helped get shot on Saipan
About the Campaign Captain
Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York who hated his job. He followed his passion, started a sideline business, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day...and live a nomadpreneur's dream life....and help others do the same!"
My name is Walt Goodridge and that's the short version of my story. That tropical island was (and still is) Saipan! Here's my official bio BEFORE coming to Saipan:
Walt F.J. Goodridge is from Jamaica, West Indies, A graduate of Columbia University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, Walt was a frustrated employee until he walked away from his career to follow his passion--first for music, then for writing and helping others. Now, as the "Passion Prophet," he helps others discover, develop and profit from the pursuit of their passions. Walt has written over 24 books including Turn Your Passion into Profit and Living True to Your Self, as well as several books on health including A Clean Cell Never Dies, over 500 inspirational poems ("life rhymes)," and over 400 business and motivational articles. The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Source, Billboard, Time, Black Enterprise, Essence, Ebony, South Africa's SArie Magazine as well as many others have featured Walt's insights and instruction. His books have been used as texts for university courses, and his thoughts and ideas have been quoted in books by Guerrilla Marketing guru Jay Conrad Levinson, music industry pioneer Chuck D, and other business authors world wide. Learn more about Walt's Passion Profit philosophy, formula and coaching at www.passionprofit.com
Upon arriving here on Saipan in 2006, I was immediately captivated by Saipan's beauty and culture, and also recognized there was an opportunity to help others discover it for themselves! Since then I've been able to see several Saipan-specific projects through to success:
• I conceived of and launched WeLoveSaipan.com, which became the online home of the island's first blogger movement. I've gone on to launch bestofsaipan.com, saipanliving.com, newsaipan.com, discoversaipan and many other Saipan-specific sites. You can view all of them at BestofSaipan.com
• I've written several books about Saipan including Chicken Feathers & Garlic Skin: Diary of a Chinese Garment Factory Girl on Saipan with Chun Yu Wang (The only first-hand account of what it was like to be garment factory worker on Saipan; used in at least 3 US college level courses on Textiles and Women's Studies)
The Saipan Living Relocation Guide
Doing Business on Saipan
Saipan Now! A Photo Adventure
Jamaican on Saipan
From Bugle Boy to Battleship,
and have edited, ghost written and collaborated on several others.
• Here on Saipan (as well as Tinian and Guam), I conduct PassionProfit and writer's workshops to help other Saipan residents pursue their own passions and tell their stories.
• I write freelance articles for the Saipan Tribune, the Marianas Variety and Marianas Business Journal on a variety of entrepreneurial, health and tourism-related topics. For five years, I wrote the weekly Saipanpreneur Project column for the Tribune
• I offer personalized tours for visitors to Saipan and specialize in World War II Pilgrimage tours. I love to meet other travelers, learn more about their lives and share my love of Saipan with them. It is in this capacity as tour guide that I've become most aware of Saipan's amazing beauty, culture and history which the Saipan Blue Project hopes to highlight.
• I've been recognized by CNMI Senate for these and other contributions to CNMI Society.
After enduring a soul-draining, life-sapping, energy-depleting, freedom-robbing job for seven years before I finally escaped to live life on my own terms, Saipan represents a phase of my life story in which I experience happiness and beauty every day. Moving here ranks as one of the top three decisions of my life. For me, this project is about giving something back to help a little island in the western Pacific that is part of my story!
This is only the beginning!
Even if this first phase of public awareness and crowd support doesn't reach the right ears in time for official decisions from the top, rest assured, this is only the beginning! There's more than one way to introduce a new idea into public use. We've got articles, songs, more letter-writing campaigns and and ongoing push to add "Saipan blue" to the public lexicon! Join us to make it happen!
The Equation
There's Saipan + its history + its beauty + its people, + Saipan blue + a passionate and committed project manager....the only thing missing from this equation is YOU! Please help!
How Your Funds Are Used
Signing the Crayola petition is absolutely FREE!
However, I have plans to continue the effort regardless of how this project pans out. Consequently, I need to count on the support of as many people as possible in order to make this project a reality. Your contribution to the first phase of the crowfunding drive will help me maintain an online presence and publicize the idea to the public and the media. Every single dollar matters toward making this project a huge success.
The money will be used towards:
Paying skilled people and established companies to design logos as necessary, distribute press releases, maintain the website and do translations (Very important to empower our already diverse population to spread the word back in their home countries and networks). It includes public relations phone calls, community outreach (per diems for volunteers), travel to meet with key opinion-shapers and obtaining letters of support, plus printing/copying and more. (Note: If you'd like your funds used for a specific purpose, add a comment during checkout and I'll send you a receipt, screenshots or other proof)
Specific PHASE 1 expenses include:
• Website domain registration: 14.99/year x 5 years = $ 74.95
• Website hosting: 9.95/month x 60 months (5 years) = $ 597.00 (1and1.com)
• 3 Facebook "Boost" campaigns: 30days x $6/day x 3 = $540.00
• Press Release Distribution (PRweb) 369.00 (PRweb.com)
• Press Release Distribution {OpenPress) 10.00
• Professional Logo design (99designs): 99.00
• Change.org promotion boost 100.00
subtotal 1,789.95 Say $2,000
Follow @saipan_blue
$1: Mention as $1 supporter on www.saipanblue.com website